BIU President Prof. Arie Zaban shared his strategic vison for the university, new board members were elected, reports were presented, resolutions approved, a farewell tribute was held for the outgoing Chairman of the Council of Founders – all this and more during the BOT’s Plenary Session.

BIU President Prof. Arie Zaban presents his vision, “Impact Beyond Excellence,” expounding on five pillars: 1. Raising International Rankings; 2. Impact-driven Research; 3. Advanced Teaching & Learning Methodologies; 4. Internationalization; 5. The Third Mission: Judaism

Board of Trustees Chairman Michael Jesselson, AFBIU President and 2018 Honorary Doctorate recipient Ronnie Stern, and AFBIU Board Chairman Alan Zekelman

Outgoing Chairman of the Council of Trustees Dr. Lipa Meir (second from left) holds a facsimile of the original Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, which was presented to him at his Farewell Tribute